Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Life Changing Affirmations

One of the most life changing books one could ever read. Catherine Ponder explains in easy to follow terms how to use affirmations to improve and even solve every day situations. Prosperity is unlimited when you unleash the limitation and  i f you follow the guidance in her book, the results will follow. Once you purchase your book, you will want to read and share and advise others to buy.
A client recently shared with me, after using the affirmation"Thank you, Father, this situation is divinely solved for the good of all concerned" that so many things around her home miraculously got fixed, not to mention her financial picture greatly improved. She said the affirmation for twenty minutes or so repeatedly and now uses it appropriately whenever needed.

Trudy W. Evans, C.H. Psychic Readings and Hypnotherapy