Thursday, November 25, 2010

Only One Day of Giving Thanks!

Today is Thanksgiving and we should be thankful. Most of us were raised to be thankful but for only one day?
I had an opportunity this past Sunday to participate in a meditation unfamiliar to me. The group, including myself, walked in a silent circle for twenty minutes followed by a forty minute quiet meditation. I must share with you, it was difficult to hold only meditative thoughts for that length of time. I looked at my watch, I thought about what to eat for lunch, planned to do some writing, what I would write about and heard my stomach growl a few times as I peaked out of my closed eyes to see if anyone was responding to the proof that I was getting hungry.
Then, a thought came through, suddenly as if it had been there all along.
"Are you thankful?" It said to me loud and clear.
After a few minutes of solid deliberation, I allowed the thankfulness to fill my heart. It welled up within as I thanked everything in my life from my children to grandchildren, friends and more friends. I was thankful.
This exerience made me think of some things I had already known, like, thankfulness expands and spreads to others, it increases what we have and. of course, makes us respect and honor ourselves, those around us and the wonderful things we have. I am so thankful for all that I have and share that thankfulness with each of you whom I know and do not know for we are all linked in this grand universe as one. Today, as I should, I am thankful for all that I have, give and share. Tomorrow. and the days to follow. I will be thankful as well!