Wednesday, July 14, 2010


It is impossible to think two things at once. I realize that we are a multitasking society. However, if you will check your thoughts at the time you are multitasking, you will understand what I am talking about. We can only think one thought at a time, even though many thoughts cross our consciousness in split seconds.

Capture your thoughts as an experiment for one day. You will love the experience. As those thoughts cross your mind, decide whether those thoughts are ones you want or not. If any of the thoughts suggest negative emotions such as guilt, resentment, anger, etc., recognize that because only one thought goes through your consciousness at a time, you can quickly replace the thought with "Things are good," or "I am prosperous", "wealth, love and success", "I am Divine Love". Those thoughts create "good feelings".

"I am joy. I am love. I am health and wealth. I am good!"

Have a wonderful and prosperous day, Today!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Giving Freely?

Why do we have a tendency to give our physical body to anyone when our physical bodies are made up of 98% spirit, mental and soul. The other 2% is the physical part of us.
So when you are tempted to give your physical body to someone you just met or otherwise before the individual has earned the right to have you, think in terms of "do I give my soul" because that is what it is. In fact, it is just that and your soul might have been turned over, left vulnerable, because after the physical satisfaction is completed, the spirit is then left to deal with the consequences!
Hold back! Give yourself a chance to let your spirit wrap itself around the marvel of another human being. You might just give them a chance to fall in love with who you are not what you look like.
Then, and only then, can you call it Love!
It also prevents STD's and other related physical ailments!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Lift

Lift out of a Funk now!
First, recognize that you were meant to be happy and fulfilled.
Second, "Before they call, I will answer" and "Ask believing, and it shall be done unto you." Christ stated this as a way of explaining prayer.
Third, understand that concept and say "Thank you, Father." "Thank you, Father, so much. I am so thrilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
What for?
Let the Universe take care of the rest. It knows what you need, because you have the "connection" regardless of whether you realize it or not. So whatever is bothering you will surface for a clearing and uplifting experiences and inviduals will be magnetized to you.

Tell you what! This method works better than a pill!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Make Money Today!

Today is a good day to understand that if you move your attention away from outside sources and center your thoughts on a positive affirmation, you will reap the residual positive effects and be less vulnerable to environmental circumstances.
We are always seeking improvement. When was there a day that you just said to yourself "I just want to keep things the same"? The soul thrives on creative motion.
Movement of the spirit brings freedom to the soul.
So money??
"I always have plenty of money. I pay all my obligations and have plenty left over to share and to spare. I spend wisely and my income increases in the most wonderful ways. Money, money, money manifests itself as rich abundance for me now."
Make money today.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Okay, today is an extended holiday. You think that the subconscious mind takes a day off? Not so!
Therefore, if today offers a new set of challenges other than just being successful at work, get busy right now and create healthy, happy entertainment for ourself no matter where you are at any given moment.
Let's say that you want an interesting activity and had not found the time to make plans, say the following affirmation: "Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I am fulfilled and happy."
"Universal supply magnetizes me to fun and delightful activities and friends that love me."
"Today, my angel goes before me creating joy, prosperity and fulfillment every step of the way."
Happy day today all day!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Financial wealth: Seven steps to financial abundance

First believe in yourself and what you do. Believing in success within magnetizes the right individuals and situations to you that reinforce your success. "I call upon my Universal Intelligence to guide me successfully today."
See money in your mind. Do what you love to do and the money will come. Why?
Loving something has an energy of its own.
Put God first in your day. "The Successful Power of God (Universal Mind) goes before me this day to produce perfect results here and now."
Number four is do not limit yourself to any day of the week and assume that the Universe will not respond. If you are not working today and want more financial abundance,say "Whether I am working, sleeping or playing, my income increases."
Listen to the still voice within and if you doubt that it is really the "voice within", ask it again. "Is this the answer I am seeking? I now know for sure, Thank you."
Have faith that you have a center within that knows all things beyond your own conscious understanding and a power greater than you are is at work.
"Of myself, I cannot do, but God can. The right results appear now. With a thankful spirit, I am at peace."