Saturday, July 3, 2010

Financial wealth: Seven steps to financial abundance

First believe in yourself and what you do. Believing in success within magnetizes the right individuals and situations to you that reinforce your success. "I call upon my Universal Intelligence to guide me successfully today."
See money in your mind. Do what you love to do and the money will come. Why?
Loving something has an energy of its own.
Put God first in your day. "The Successful Power of God (Universal Mind) goes before me this day to produce perfect results here and now."
Number four is do not limit yourself to any day of the week and assume that the Universe will not respond. If you are not working today and want more financial abundance,say "Whether I am working, sleeping or playing, my income increases."
Listen to the still voice within and if you doubt that it is really the "voice within", ask it again. "Is this the answer I am seeking? I now know for sure, Thank you."
Have faith that you have a center within that knows all things beyond your own conscious understanding and a power greater than you are is at work.
"Of myself, I cannot do, but God can. The right results appear now. With a thankful spirit, I am at peace."

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