Wednesday, July 14, 2010


It is impossible to think two things at once. I realize that we are a multitasking society. However, if you will check your thoughts at the time you are multitasking, you will understand what I am talking about. We can only think one thought at a time, even though many thoughts cross our consciousness in split seconds.

Capture your thoughts as an experiment for one day. You will love the experience. As those thoughts cross your mind, decide whether those thoughts are ones you want or not. If any of the thoughts suggest negative emotions such as guilt, resentment, anger, etc., recognize that because only one thought goes through your consciousness at a time, you can quickly replace the thought with "Things are good," or "I am prosperous", "wealth, love and success", "I am Divine Love". Those thoughts create "good feelings".

"I am joy. I am love. I am health and wealth. I am good!"

Have a wonderful and prosperous day, Today!

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