Monday, April 12, 2010

The Weekend; Blue Mesa, Olive Garden!

Oh, my gosh!
Saturday night, I honestly projected myself as eating the lasagna, bruschetta, spagetti and meat sauce, scrumptios fettucini with Alfredo Sauce. Yikes!
Thoughts of really blowing the healthy lifestyle change ravaged through my mind, but the thought that I am writing about all this, held me a arms bay!
How about you? Writing about what I am doing is helping because it is making me accountable to whoever reads this, including myself!
I was actually better behaved than expected and no one really noticed. Now, did I expect to feel slimmer Sunday Morning after eating only one third of my meal, carrying a doggie bag that is tempting me in the fridge as we speak? Actually, I do and am more inspired. Blue Mesa's Spa Chicken Enchiladas are very tasty at less than 400 cals. Man, I feel better.
"Everything I eat turns to health and beauty."

Don't get ahead of yourself. No one will notice yet, but, someone will,
I am sure. You will be the first to know.
In the meantime, I understand and hope you lifestyle change hopefuls will,
too, that to lose one pound, I have to eliminate 3500 cals!! Never mind,
don't even go there. I am just proud of myself that (1) I am writing today
(2)I watched a video last night called The Diet Solution,(google it), (3)
found out that butter is not that bad for you and stay away from
hydrogenated fats.
Yes, I can eat almonds, a sliced apple with peanut butter, strawberries,
sweet potatoes and Salmon. Yum, yum, eat and be healthy!
Who knows what will be accomplished as the day enfolds.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Simple Pleasure

Ooops! So, guess what? I went off my diet already and it has been only one half a day.

Not going to tell you what I ate, but boy, was it good and if I had my druthers, I will do it again. Just wanted all of you to know, so you don't think I am miss (whoops! mrs.) perfect.

Got right on the band wagon and picked up my romaine lettuce, strawberries ('cause they are full of Vitamin C), plus tomatoes, drank a bunch of water to wash the delicious treat through my system quicker. So, I am good.

Keep up the good work, I say to myself! "Everything I eat turns to health and beauty, even the simple pleasures."

Weight Loss, An Uneducated Mission

Today, I am beginning a natural way of shedding pounds and inches using just common sense and no supplements that suppress appetites or any other chemically induced will power.

It has been suggested by so many experts in weight loss that we should all exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times per week. So, I am! Today, I will walk for 30 minutes. Who knows what I will do tomorrow, but I will let you know. However, I believe that I am capable of some sort of exercise each day of this fabulous life I have!

Here I am, today, kind of feeling frumpy, overweight and am determined to look better and better every day for the next few weeks/months.
I ate an egg white product called ReddiEgg by Nulaid, fat free, cholesterol free with a small piece of Ciabbata bread from Whole Foods this morning and promised myself that I am going to eat five portions of Vegetables/fruits today. Yep,today is the first day of my promise to me to lose weight and feel better.

To help my quest along, I am going to use self-suggestion because it is not easy to substitue those corn chips along side my healthy Turkey sandwich with fresh vegetable slices. So my statement to myself is "These slices taste so good and I just love them." And "Everything I eat turns to health and beauty."
Today, at dinner, I will think to myself, "I eat just enough to give me the energy I need and want to do the things I need to do and love to do. I feel great eating less!"

What I learned today, actually on the Today Show! Eating Romaine Lettuce has its benefits with antioxidants and vitamin A, for healthy skin. At the grocery store, I will pick up that lettuce!

Every day, in every way, I am better and better, slim and trim, feeling great."

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Everywhere you look now-a-days, you see anti-aging this and anti-aging that! There is actually an anti-aging shampoo for aging hair!

Actually, emotions, such as anger or resentment, can age a person quicker than anything. What you feel emotionally has an effect on your mood level and physical appearance.

These emotional effects take a while to manifest in your physical body and you can just as easily prevent aging by keeping your thoughts pure and clean. By that I mean, forgive "I easily forgive anyone or anything, past or present and let go of any resentments.

As stated in the Lord's Prayer, ...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".
Take on a forgiveness affirmation (check out my book for a comfortable forgiveness affirmation and do it whether you can or cannot think of anyone that needs forgiveness. You will begin to question yourself as to "why do I feel better"?

Resentments, self-pity or repressed anger can play havok with your emotions and your physical body. By allowing your incredibly powerful Subconscious mind to work for you and forgive what needs to be forgiven, you are then set free to experience "peace of mind and spirit" which does the anti-aging for you internally.
You won't really know what I am talking about until you take a "dare" and just use "forgiveness" at the Subconscious level!
Any questions??
Go to and email me.