Thursday, April 8, 2010


Everywhere you look now-a-days, you see anti-aging this and anti-aging that! There is actually an anti-aging shampoo for aging hair!

Actually, emotions, such as anger or resentment, can age a person quicker than anything. What you feel emotionally has an effect on your mood level and physical appearance.

These emotional effects take a while to manifest in your physical body and you can just as easily prevent aging by keeping your thoughts pure and clean. By that I mean, forgive "I easily forgive anyone or anything, past or present and let go of any resentments.

As stated in the Lord's Prayer, ...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".
Take on a forgiveness affirmation (check out my book for a comfortable forgiveness affirmation and do it whether you can or cannot think of anyone that needs forgiveness. You will begin to question yourself as to "why do I feel better"?

Resentments, self-pity or repressed anger can play havok with your emotions and your physical body. By allowing your incredibly powerful Subconscious mind to work for you and forgive what needs to be forgiven, you are then set free to experience "peace of mind and spirit" which does the anti-aging for you internally.
You won't really know what I am talking about until you take a "dare" and just use "forgiveness" at the Subconscious level!
Any questions??
Go to and email me.

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