Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chest Congestion

Metaphysical speaking, chest congestion is caused by congestion in thoughts or physical environment.
Now, if it exists, do the right thing and get medical advice and help.
However, I just experienced chest congestion and after taking the proper medication for a few days, it occurred to me that there was congestion in certain matters in my life.
After just making some baby steps towards removing that congestion, I began to feel lifted and inspired to do more. Before long, the chest congestion began to lift and of course, alot was accomplished along the healing way!
What occurs in our minds and bodies will give us evidence and it is not necessarily what is the matter, it could be who is the matter that affects us and our health.
Taking movement towards cleaning up problematic situations, is a healing experience.
The affirmation of the day is
"I release and let go. I let go and let the Universe guide me. I am whole, healthy, happy and prosperous today!"

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