Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chest Congestion

Metaphysical speaking, chest congestion is caused by congestion in thoughts or physical environment.
Now, if it exists, do the right thing and get medical advice and help.
However, I just experienced chest congestion and after taking the proper medication for a few days, it occurred to me that there was congestion in certain matters in my life.
After just making some baby steps towards removing that congestion, I began to feel lifted and inspired to do more. Before long, the chest congestion began to lift and of course, alot was accomplished along the healing way!
What occurs in our minds and bodies will give us evidence and it is not necessarily what is the matter, it could be who is the matter that affects us and our health.
Taking movement towards cleaning up problematic situations, is a healing experience.
The affirmation of the day is
"I release and let go. I let go and let the Universe guide me. I am whole, healthy, happy and prosperous today!"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday, Day of Rest?

Of course, it is Sunday. But, a day of rest from what?
Are we talking about the fact that most of us are experiencing a day off of work? Well, not all of us. Sunday is a day of relaxation, a chance to rest and regroup.
However, still put God first. There are no lonely or lost days of nothingness when you say "God is the source of my supply".
In fact, here is what to say as you go throughout the day
"All that I need and desire for fulfillment this day is provided me through the rich avenues of the Universe."
Or "Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I am fulfilled and happy, prosperous and loved."
Here we go!!
Happy and blessed Sunday.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Foundation of Truth Understanding and Financial Abundance

If it is true (and it is) that "you are what you think" then if you think you can, will, shall, am, and believe what you think, then you are!
If it is really true (and it is)that whatever you give your energy to, becomes your reality, then what you think and believe is vitally important.
AND if you are consistent in believing you are fulfilled, prosperous, loved and loving, use affirmations persistently, you then become fulfilled, prosperous, loved and loving!
So far you have been introduced to "I am prosperous", Thank you, father, for all of this prosperity and love for me, my clients, friends and family now".
Wonder what would happen if you just started saying today, "Thank you, Father, thank you so much. I am thrilled."
I am going to fill my mind with that thought today at every chance I get. Hope you will too.
Each fulfillment is individual! Your prosperity will be fulfilled according to your needs and limitations. Expand horizons by saying today "I am prosperous", "Thank you, Father", etc.
It is a wonderful and fulfilling day. Happy Saturday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues 4th

If there are concerns about money staring you in the face, stop your flow of thoughts toward the negative and say:
"I move my thoughts away from outside sources and trust the power within me to provide me with all that I need and desire. I am prosperous, I am, I am, I am. I am prosperous."
Once you feel better about money say:
"Thank you, Thank you, I am blessed with abundant supply of money, money, and more money now."
Ask, believing, and it shall be done unto you!
Check previous postings on my blog to keep up with continuing prosperity. What you hold in your mind (believe), you hold in your hand (becomes your reality.)
Share prosperity with others. Write the affirmations on a three by five card and say every day for increasing financial abundance and security.
There has already been positive feedback from those who have read and repeated the affirmations on these blogs. So get with it. Prosperity is yours and I welcome any comments!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues 3rd Day

The Universe is full of helpful hints of prosperity.
Every experience has a beginning and an ending. When one door closes, a new one always appears.
We just experienced the Summer Solstice. The evening of the 21st of June, we sat outside and marked the moment. It was after nine that the darkness captured the daylight and that incredible moment made me realize that, afterwards, the days would become shorter, nights longer until the winter solstice and that the motion of the Universe clearly shows us that nothing every stays the same.
Life has movement and so does prosperity. Nothing in nature is written in stone, except stone itself and even that substance is capable of withering into something else.
Our connection to the Universe is through thought. If you want to increase your income, improve relationships, live better and healthier, your thoughts of increase will improve income "Thank you, Father, for increased income now", your beliefs in love "I am Divine Love", will correct relationship problems, your trust in the Power Within you will sustain your health and well being, "My body functions in a vitally healthy, vitally normal way" or "Everything I eat turns to health and well being."
The thought for this day is "Define Prosperity". Is it that you have wonderful friendships, are capable of loving another human being and can be loved in return, is it money in the pocket or bank account, great wealth?
I would say that it is a personal decision.
Just recently, my own definition appeared. It is "If you know something good that other's might not know, share it with them, for it flows back in return in all forms of prosperity!
If someone you know would benefit by reading this, share it with them. It just might make their day!
A day filled with hope, is a day worth millions!
Keep using your affirmations!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues

So you and I said our affirmations "I am prosperous" and "my cash supply is increasing, increasing, increasing. My income now doubles".
If not, get with it today! The little things add up and multiply.
Whatever you give your attention to, multiplies!
Today's helpful hint for increasing money supply is:
We are really investors in every service that we pay for, every company we have dealings with, every individual that we owe money to. Therefore, we are basically in the midst of a vast recycling energy of abundance. Money is liquid and fluid. It moves and is magnitized to you through your thoughts and beliefs.
Those thoughts and beliefs are our constrictor or our boundless increase, depending upon our faith.
When you pay for anything, think increase of universal supply. Do not let your thoughts even consider decrease. Replace decrease with "my cash supply is increasing, increasing, increasing".
In other words, whether you are writing a check, paying online, or paying by cash, think multiplication and increase.
Say: "I bless this amount of money and let it go into the universal bank account of abundant supply. Whatever I send out is blessing me and others at least 10 fold."
Your thought of the day is:
"Thank you, Father, for all of this prosperity and love for me, my clients, my friends and family now."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money

What you hold in your mind, you hold in your hand. Just start here, right now, to hold increase of money in your mind.
Simple beginnings are easier to swallow. Say "I am Prosperous" now and continue saying throughout your day.
Based on the principle that you are what you think, repeating a statement of increase of financial abundance will increase your supply of money.
A favorite statement is "My cash supply is increasing, increasng, increasing. My income now doubles." (Say repeatedly throughout your day intermitently with "I am prosperous."
If you don't do it, you stay vulnerable to the experiences that occur.
If you do say these statements today, you will see a spark of belief that will inspire you to learn more about metaphysical solutions and the power of your fabulous mind!
Visit for further information on the use of positive affirmations!