Thursday, June 24, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues 3rd Day

The Universe is full of helpful hints of prosperity.
Every experience has a beginning and an ending. When one door closes, a new one always appears.
We just experienced the Summer Solstice. The evening of the 21st of June, we sat outside and marked the moment. It was after nine that the darkness captured the daylight and that incredible moment made me realize that, afterwards, the days would become shorter, nights longer until the winter solstice and that the motion of the Universe clearly shows us that nothing every stays the same.
Life has movement and so does prosperity. Nothing in nature is written in stone, except stone itself and even that substance is capable of withering into something else.
Our connection to the Universe is through thought. If you want to increase your income, improve relationships, live better and healthier, your thoughts of increase will improve income "Thank you, Father, for increased income now", your beliefs in love "I am Divine Love", will correct relationship problems, your trust in the Power Within you will sustain your health and well being, "My body functions in a vitally healthy, vitally normal way" or "Everything I eat turns to health and well being."
The thought for this day is "Define Prosperity". Is it that you have wonderful friendships, are capable of loving another human being and can be loved in return, is it money in the pocket or bank account, great wealth?
I would say that it is a personal decision.
Just recently, my own definition appeared. It is "If you know something good that other's might not know, share it with them, for it flows back in return in all forms of prosperity!
If someone you know would benefit by reading this, share it with them. It just might make their day!
A day filled with hope, is a day worth millions!
Keep using your affirmations!

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