Thursday, November 25, 2010

Only One Day of Giving Thanks!

Today is Thanksgiving and we should be thankful. Most of us were raised to be thankful but for only one day?
I had an opportunity this past Sunday to participate in a meditation unfamiliar to me. The group, including myself, walked in a silent circle for twenty minutes followed by a forty minute quiet meditation. I must share with you, it was difficult to hold only meditative thoughts for that length of time. I looked at my watch, I thought about what to eat for lunch, planned to do some writing, what I would write about and heard my stomach growl a few times as I peaked out of my closed eyes to see if anyone was responding to the proof that I was getting hungry.
Then, a thought came through, suddenly as if it had been there all along.
"Are you thankful?" It said to me loud and clear.
After a few minutes of solid deliberation, I allowed the thankfulness to fill my heart. It welled up within as I thanked everything in my life from my children to grandchildren, friends and more friends. I was thankful.
This exerience made me think of some things I had already known, like, thankfulness expands and spreads to others, it increases what we have and. of course, makes us respect and honor ourselves, those around us and the wonderful things we have. I am so thankful for all that I have and share that thankfulness with each of you whom I know and do not know for we are all linked in this grand universe as one. Today, as I should, I am thankful for all that I have, give and share. Tomorrow. and the days to follow. I will be thankful as well!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


It is impossible to think two things at once. I realize that we are a multitasking society. However, if you will check your thoughts at the time you are multitasking, you will understand what I am talking about. We can only think one thought at a time, even though many thoughts cross our consciousness in split seconds.

Capture your thoughts as an experiment for one day. You will love the experience. As those thoughts cross your mind, decide whether those thoughts are ones you want or not. If any of the thoughts suggest negative emotions such as guilt, resentment, anger, etc., recognize that because only one thought goes through your consciousness at a time, you can quickly replace the thought with "Things are good," or "I am prosperous", "wealth, love and success", "I am Divine Love". Those thoughts create "good feelings".

"I am joy. I am love. I am health and wealth. I am good!"

Have a wonderful and prosperous day, Today!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Giving Freely?

Why do we have a tendency to give our physical body to anyone when our physical bodies are made up of 98% spirit, mental and soul. The other 2% is the physical part of us.
So when you are tempted to give your physical body to someone you just met or otherwise before the individual has earned the right to have you, think in terms of "do I give my soul" because that is what it is. In fact, it is just that and your soul might have been turned over, left vulnerable, because after the physical satisfaction is completed, the spirit is then left to deal with the consequences!
Hold back! Give yourself a chance to let your spirit wrap itself around the marvel of another human being. You might just give them a chance to fall in love with who you are not what you look like.
Then, and only then, can you call it Love!
It also prevents STD's and other related physical ailments!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Lift

Lift out of a Funk now!
First, recognize that you were meant to be happy and fulfilled.
Second, "Before they call, I will answer" and "Ask believing, and it shall be done unto you." Christ stated this as a way of explaining prayer.
Third, understand that concept and say "Thank you, Father." "Thank you, Father, so much. I am so thrilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
What for?
Let the Universe take care of the rest. It knows what you need, because you have the "connection" regardless of whether you realize it or not. So whatever is bothering you will surface for a clearing and uplifting experiences and inviduals will be magnetized to you.

Tell you what! This method works better than a pill!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Make Money Today!

Today is a good day to understand that if you move your attention away from outside sources and center your thoughts on a positive affirmation, you will reap the residual positive effects and be less vulnerable to environmental circumstances.
We are always seeking improvement. When was there a day that you just said to yourself "I just want to keep things the same"? The soul thrives on creative motion.
Movement of the spirit brings freedom to the soul.
So money??
"I always have plenty of money. I pay all my obligations and have plenty left over to share and to spare. I spend wisely and my income increases in the most wonderful ways. Money, money, money manifests itself as rich abundance for me now."
Make money today.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Okay, today is an extended holiday. You think that the subconscious mind takes a day off? Not so!
Therefore, if today offers a new set of challenges other than just being successful at work, get busy right now and create healthy, happy entertainment for ourself no matter where you are at any given moment.
Let's say that you want an interesting activity and had not found the time to make plans, say the following affirmation: "Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I am fulfilled and happy."
"Universal supply magnetizes me to fun and delightful activities and friends that love me."
"Today, my angel goes before me creating joy, prosperity and fulfillment every step of the way."
Happy day today all day!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Financial wealth: Seven steps to financial abundance

First believe in yourself and what you do. Believing in success within magnetizes the right individuals and situations to you that reinforce your success. "I call upon my Universal Intelligence to guide me successfully today."
See money in your mind. Do what you love to do and the money will come. Why?
Loving something has an energy of its own.
Put God first in your day. "The Successful Power of God (Universal Mind) goes before me this day to produce perfect results here and now."
Number four is do not limit yourself to any day of the week and assume that the Universe will not respond. If you are not working today and want more financial abundance,say "Whether I am working, sleeping or playing, my income increases."
Listen to the still voice within and if you doubt that it is really the "voice within", ask it again. "Is this the answer I am seeking? I now know for sure, Thank you."
Have faith that you have a center within that knows all things beyond your own conscious understanding and a power greater than you are is at work.
"Of myself, I cannot do, but God can. The right results appear now. With a thankful spirit, I am at peace."

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chest Congestion

Metaphysical speaking, chest congestion is caused by congestion in thoughts or physical environment.
Now, if it exists, do the right thing and get medical advice and help.
However, I just experienced chest congestion and after taking the proper medication for a few days, it occurred to me that there was congestion in certain matters in my life.
After just making some baby steps towards removing that congestion, I began to feel lifted and inspired to do more. Before long, the chest congestion began to lift and of course, alot was accomplished along the healing way!
What occurs in our minds and bodies will give us evidence and it is not necessarily what is the matter, it could be who is the matter that affects us and our health.
Taking movement towards cleaning up problematic situations, is a healing experience.
The affirmation of the day is
"I release and let go. I let go and let the Universe guide me. I am whole, healthy, happy and prosperous today!"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday, Day of Rest?

Of course, it is Sunday. But, a day of rest from what?
Are we talking about the fact that most of us are experiencing a day off of work? Well, not all of us. Sunday is a day of relaxation, a chance to rest and regroup.
However, still put God first. There are no lonely or lost days of nothingness when you say "God is the source of my supply".
In fact, here is what to say as you go throughout the day
"All that I need and desire for fulfillment this day is provided me through the rich avenues of the Universe."
Or "Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I am fulfilled and happy, prosperous and loved."
Here we go!!
Happy and blessed Sunday.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Foundation of Truth Understanding and Financial Abundance

If it is true (and it is) that "you are what you think" then if you think you can, will, shall, am, and believe what you think, then you are!
If it is really true (and it is)that whatever you give your energy to, becomes your reality, then what you think and believe is vitally important.
AND if you are consistent in believing you are fulfilled, prosperous, loved and loving, use affirmations persistently, you then become fulfilled, prosperous, loved and loving!
So far you have been introduced to "I am prosperous", Thank you, father, for all of this prosperity and love for me, my clients, friends and family now".
Wonder what would happen if you just started saying today, "Thank you, Father, thank you so much. I am thrilled."
I am going to fill my mind with that thought today at every chance I get. Hope you will too.
Each fulfillment is individual! Your prosperity will be fulfilled according to your needs and limitations. Expand horizons by saying today "I am prosperous", "Thank you, Father", etc.
It is a wonderful and fulfilling day. Happy Saturday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues 4th

If there are concerns about money staring you in the face, stop your flow of thoughts toward the negative and say:
"I move my thoughts away from outside sources and trust the power within me to provide me with all that I need and desire. I am prosperous, I am, I am, I am. I am prosperous."
Once you feel better about money say:
"Thank you, Thank you, I am blessed with abundant supply of money, money, and more money now."
Ask, believing, and it shall be done unto you!
Check previous postings on my blog to keep up with continuing prosperity. What you hold in your mind (believe), you hold in your hand (becomes your reality.)
Share prosperity with others. Write the affirmations on a three by five card and say every day for increasing financial abundance and security.
There has already been positive feedback from those who have read and repeated the affirmations on these blogs. So get with it. Prosperity is yours and I welcome any comments!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues 3rd Day

The Universe is full of helpful hints of prosperity.
Every experience has a beginning and an ending. When one door closes, a new one always appears.
We just experienced the Summer Solstice. The evening of the 21st of June, we sat outside and marked the moment. It was after nine that the darkness captured the daylight and that incredible moment made me realize that, afterwards, the days would become shorter, nights longer until the winter solstice and that the motion of the Universe clearly shows us that nothing every stays the same.
Life has movement and so does prosperity. Nothing in nature is written in stone, except stone itself and even that substance is capable of withering into something else.
Our connection to the Universe is through thought. If you want to increase your income, improve relationships, live better and healthier, your thoughts of increase will improve income "Thank you, Father, for increased income now", your beliefs in love "I am Divine Love", will correct relationship problems, your trust in the Power Within you will sustain your health and well being, "My body functions in a vitally healthy, vitally normal way" or "Everything I eat turns to health and well being."
The thought for this day is "Define Prosperity". Is it that you have wonderful friendships, are capable of loving another human being and can be loved in return, is it money in the pocket or bank account, great wealth?
I would say that it is a personal decision.
Just recently, my own definition appeared. It is "If you know something good that other's might not know, share it with them, for it flows back in return in all forms of prosperity!
If someone you know would benefit by reading this, share it with them. It just might make their day!
A day filled with hope, is a day worth millions!
Keep using your affirmations!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money Continues

So you and I said our affirmations "I am prosperous" and "my cash supply is increasing, increasing, increasing. My income now doubles".
If not, get with it today! The little things add up and multiply.
Whatever you give your attention to, multiplies!
Today's helpful hint for increasing money supply is:
We are really investors in every service that we pay for, every company we have dealings with, every individual that we owe money to. Therefore, we are basically in the midst of a vast recycling energy of abundance. Money is liquid and fluid. It moves and is magnitized to you through your thoughts and beliefs.
Those thoughts and beliefs are our constrictor or our boundless increase, depending upon our faith.
When you pay for anything, think increase of universal supply. Do not let your thoughts even consider decrease. Replace decrease with "my cash supply is increasing, increasing, increasing".
In other words, whether you are writing a check, paying online, or paying by cash, think multiplication and increase.
Say: "I bless this amount of money and let it go into the universal bank account of abundant supply. Whatever I send out is blessing me and others at least 10 fold."
Your thought of the day is:
"Thank you, Father, for all of this prosperity and love for me, my clients, my friends and family now."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Money - Gains -Make Money

What you hold in your mind, you hold in your hand. Just start here, right now, to hold increase of money in your mind.
Simple beginnings are easier to swallow. Say "I am Prosperous" now and continue saying throughout your day.
Based on the principle that you are what you think, repeating a statement of increase of financial abundance will increase your supply of money.
A favorite statement is "My cash supply is increasing, increasng, increasing. My income now doubles." (Say repeatedly throughout your day intermitently with "I am prosperous."
If you don't do it, you stay vulnerable to the experiences that occur.
If you do say these statements today, you will see a spark of belief that will inspire you to learn more about metaphysical solutions and the power of your fabulous mind!
Visit for further information on the use of positive affirmations!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Weekend; Blue Mesa, Olive Garden!

Oh, my gosh!
Saturday night, I honestly projected myself as eating the lasagna, bruschetta, spagetti and meat sauce, scrumptios fettucini with Alfredo Sauce. Yikes!
Thoughts of really blowing the healthy lifestyle change ravaged through my mind, but the thought that I am writing about all this, held me a arms bay!
How about you? Writing about what I am doing is helping because it is making me accountable to whoever reads this, including myself!
I was actually better behaved than expected and no one really noticed. Now, did I expect to feel slimmer Sunday Morning after eating only one third of my meal, carrying a doggie bag that is tempting me in the fridge as we speak? Actually, I do and am more inspired. Blue Mesa's Spa Chicken Enchiladas are very tasty at less than 400 cals. Man, I feel better.
"Everything I eat turns to health and beauty."

Don't get ahead of yourself. No one will notice yet, but, someone will,
I am sure. You will be the first to know.
In the meantime, I understand and hope you lifestyle change hopefuls will,
too, that to lose one pound, I have to eliminate 3500 cals!! Never mind,
don't even go there. I am just proud of myself that (1) I am writing today
(2)I watched a video last night called The Diet Solution,(google it), (3)
found out that butter is not that bad for you and stay away from
hydrogenated fats.
Yes, I can eat almonds, a sliced apple with peanut butter, strawberries,
sweet potatoes and Salmon. Yum, yum, eat and be healthy!
Who knows what will be accomplished as the day enfolds.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Simple Pleasure

Ooops! So, guess what? I went off my diet already and it has been only one half a day.

Not going to tell you what I ate, but boy, was it good and if I had my druthers, I will do it again. Just wanted all of you to know, so you don't think I am miss (whoops! mrs.) perfect.

Got right on the band wagon and picked up my romaine lettuce, strawberries ('cause they are full of Vitamin C), plus tomatoes, drank a bunch of water to wash the delicious treat through my system quicker. So, I am good.

Keep up the good work, I say to myself! "Everything I eat turns to health and beauty, even the simple pleasures."

Weight Loss, An Uneducated Mission

Today, I am beginning a natural way of shedding pounds and inches using just common sense and no supplements that suppress appetites or any other chemically induced will power.

It has been suggested by so many experts in weight loss that we should all exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times per week. So, I am! Today, I will walk for 30 minutes. Who knows what I will do tomorrow, but I will let you know. However, I believe that I am capable of some sort of exercise each day of this fabulous life I have!

Here I am, today, kind of feeling frumpy, overweight and am determined to look better and better every day for the next few weeks/months.
I ate an egg white product called ReddiEgg by Nulaid, fat free, cholesterol free with a small piece of Ciabbata bread from Whole Foods this morning and promised myself that I am going to eat five portions of Vegetables/fruits today. Yep,today is the first day of my promise to me to lose weight and feel better.

To help my quest along, I am going to use self-suggestion because it is not easy to substitue those corn chips along side my healthy Turkey sandwich with fresh vegetable slices. So my statement to myself is "These slices taste so good and I just love them." And "Everything I eat turns to health and beauty."
Today, at dinner, I will think to myself, "I eat just enough to give me the energy I need and want to do the things I need to do and love to do. I feel great eating less!"

What I learned today, actually on the Today Show! Eating Romaine Lettuce has its benefits with antioxidants and vitamin A, for healthy skin. At the grocery store, I will pick up that lettuce!

Every day, in every way, I am better and better, slim and trim, feeling great."

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Everywhere you look now-a-days, you see anti-aging this and anti-aging that! There is actually an anti-aging shampoo for aging hair!

Actually, emotions, such as anger or resentment, can age a person quicker than anything. What you feel emotionally has an effect on your mood level and physical appearance.

These emotional effects take a while to manifest in your physical body and you can just as easily prevent aging by keeping your thoughts pure and clean. By that I mean, forgive "I easily forgive anyone or anything, past or present and let go of any resentments.

As stated in the Lord's Prayer, ...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".
Take on a forgiveness affirmation (check out my book for a comfortable forgiveness affirmation and do it whether you can or cannot think of anyone that needs forgiveness. You will begin to question yourself as to "why do I feel better"?

Resentments, self-pity or repressed anger can play havok with your emotions and your physical body. By allowing your incredibly powerful Subconscious mind to work for you and forgive what needs to be forgiven, you are then set free to experience "peace of mind and spirit" which does the anti-aging for you internally.
You won't really know what I am talking about until you take a "dare" and just use "forgiveness" at the Subconscious level!
Any questions??
Go to and email me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Self Help Book Review - Three Magic Words by U.S. Anderson

At the end of each chapter, you will discover for yourself the use of meditation to unleash unlimited potential and unwanted prompters in the subconscious mind.,

There lies within a magic genie and Three Magic Words ignite the connection to that Genie. We often times get caught up in many attempts to succeed, find love, increase financial abundance, etc. There are blocks that lie so deep within the subconscious that, after continued practice in the use of each meditation, are finally, once and for all, released so that unlimited potential can be obtained.

If you have ever kept trying and find yourself reaching limitation after limitation, read and re-read this book. Stay faithful to the meditations and rejoice in the fact that you have finally succeeded in your endeavors!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Self-help Weight Loss

Just stop trying so hard with the "Oh, don't eat that or "stay away from that cake" or "Hey, you can't eat that!"
Self help weight loss puts your mind first. Thought plus belief causes action!
Use self suggestion like "I eat only the foods that trim me, slim me and keep me healthy."
"My taste buds want only healthy foods." "I crave only foods that make me feel slim, trim and healthy."

Auto suggestion works like this; You have been told that you are what you think. So, the more you try not to do something, the more you face the temptation to do the very thing you really don't want to do. By suggesting to your subconscious mind "I eat only for the health of my mind, body and spirit", you are giving it a definite command that it cannot help but act upon. Thus, it begins to raise desires that activate your actions to eat only foods that make you slimmer, trimmer and healthier!

Sound too simple to be true? Well, for the next few days, tell yourself "I crave foods that keep me slender, trim, and I feel wonderful. I eat only healthy foods and now that I eat to be trim and healthy, my quality of food choices are improving, improving, improving. I am guided to eat only the foods that cause me to be trimmer, slimmer and healthier. Automatically, easily, I am eating less and feeling full faster and stay healthy and well with the food quantities that keep me well, happy and trim."

You can trim down, slim fast and be healthier!

For more weight loss solutions please visit: Simple Solutions Within You

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Life Changing Affirmations

One of the most life changing books one could ever read. Catherine Ponder explains in easy to follow terms how to use affirmations to improve and even solve every day situations. Prosperity is unlimited when you unleash the limitation and  i f you follow the guidance in her book, the results will follow. Once you purchase your book, you will want to read and share and advise others to buy.
A client recently shared with me, after using the affirmation"Thank you, Father, this situation is divinely solved for the good of all concerned" that so many things around her home miraculously got fixed, not to mention her financial picture greatly improved. She said the affirmation for twenty minutes or so repeatedly and now uses it appropriately whenever needed.

Trudy W. Evans, C.H. Psychic Readings and Hypnotherapy